Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Another Move...

Well.....Im packing up again & moving back into my house. I've been in the apartment now for 2 months and just paid my 3rd months rent and I'm out of money. So...the solution is to give up the apartment and move back into the house until it sells.

There are good and bad things about the move. The bad part is that I love where the apartment is located and it's easy to walk to get coffee on the weekends and to take Stoli for nice walks. The good thing is that Stoli will have his yard back and that I wont be paying for both places anymore. The management company of my building is letting me out of my lease, as soon as it re-leases. So...lets hope for a renter right off the bat.

Pray for a quick sale....then I will need to look for another place to live, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, I will move back in, make my home a home again and continue to work on house plans for the new house.

I will keep you posted as I know more.