Friday, September 19, 2008

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

As most of you know, Candlelighters of the Inland Northwest is very dear to my heart. September is a big month for us...we honor children with cancer. Candlelighters will be having its 11th Annual Candlelight Vigil on Sunday September 21st, at 6pm. Please come & support this wonderful group. Also, there will be an event on Friday, September 26th at the Service Station in Spokane. See the Candlelighters website for more information. Please support a wonderful cause. View this blog about a recent interview & the loss of one of our own....

Friday, September 12, 2008

The 3 D's & Lemonade

Well, after a month of waiting, the bid came in for the new house last night....and it was way to high! OMG!!! My first 'basic' bid was high, so I made lots of changes (smaller house, attached garage, etc) and it only saved me about 9k. So....on to plan 'B'. Okay, so I don't know what plan 'B' is....but am working on it. Called 2 more contractors today about getting bids. They'll get back to me this weekend about meeting to talk to them.

Disappointment, discouragement, depression....3 'D's that I'm dealing with today. Life will go on.... As my mother says....'When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade!'......okay, that why I have such a sour taste in my mouth?

Will write more when there is more...