Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Catching the current....

I feel like I've been swimming upstream for so long.  From relationships, to house building, to depression...seems like things just havent been easy.  Im not saying things have been bad, I have plenty of things to be grateful for.  Life just seems to throw curve balls. 

Im feeling like I have slown down my pace a bit and the current is catching me & hopefully going to take me in a better direction.  The house is on the right that helps with my stress level.  My Dr. put me on meds to for the depression & lack of direction/focus that I've been dealing with and I've met some great people to add to my life.  I seem to wake up feeling better...feeling better about my day, my life & where its going.  Taken me a long time to get here, but its due.  I know I'll have setbacks...we all do, but today...Im feeling pretty good!

So, with a grin & my fingers crossed, I'll step into each new day, looking forward to the adventure that lies ahead, bumpy or not.  

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